Do you want to talk to someone-
who has been through a cancer experience similar to your own?
Do you want to talk to someone-
but don’t want to worry your family members or friends?
A cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event and although each individual may have a unique outcome, the journey itself is often marked by uncertainty and challenge. In an effort to provide compassion, support and guidance to ease this journey, the CancerConnects Patient Buddy Mentor Program pairs newly-diagnosed cancer patients with “mentors” who have been through a similar diagnosis, as well as through the process of treatment and recovery. Our trained volunteers provide a broad range of insight and support (from a single phone call to lasting friendships) and help patients take advantage of resources available to them right here in our Central and Northern New York community.
Our Patient Buddy Mentor Program offers two types of mentoring, auxiliary and traditional. Auxiliary mentoring consists of occasional check-ins from the mentor or messages of encouragement. Traditional mentoring offers more consistent check-ins and on-going communication from the mentor.
Participant Application
Volunteer Application
“We all have friends, family, doctors, therapists in our lives that we can talk to, but unless they’ve lived through a cancer diagnosis themselves, they can’t fully understand what that diagnosis means…”
Heather C.
CancerConnects Mentor
“First as a mentee, and now as a mentor, I have developed some very special bonds. Where once I was able to hear it, I am now able to say, ‘I know what you are going through’… and really mean it.”